Belgrade, December 23, 2020
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs denies the allegations of some domestic media that Serbian citizens on temporary work abroad will be obliged to pay taxes on income earned by foreign employers, not only in the country of temporary residence, but also in Serbia.
We believe that the catastrophically intoned texts, based on insufficiently researched facts, on a topic that most directly concerns a large number of citizens of the Republic of Serbia abroad, unreasonably create concern among our citizens, which can be concluded from the increased number of their inquiries to diplomatic and consular missions of Serbia.
We appeal to the residents of Serbia who are temporarily abroad not to pay attention to incorrect sensationally intoned texts on this topic, because, when it comes to taxation procedures for that category of our citizens, nothing will fundamentally change in relation to the previous practice.
In the hope that behind the irresponsible and inaccurate media articles on this topic, there is no evil intention, but misunderstanding, we emphasize that Serbia is doing and will continue to do everything to help its diaspora in every way.