Nebojsa Tatomir
Born on March 28th, 1968, Jagodina, Republic of Serbia
Work experience:
2022 - present Consul General in Toronto
2017/2022 - independent media analyst at the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media.
2014/2016 - Member of Parliament in the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia and member of the committee for culture and information
2011/2014 - chief and responsible editor of the website www. bktvnews.com
2009 - production company "Beoton," assistant production director for the TV show "Mission Impossible,"
2006/2008 commissioner-coordinator in the Serbian Power Movement - BogoljubKarić.
2004/2005 journalist and editor - TV Jagodina, JIP "Novi Put," Jagodina, editor and author of several shows.
2002/2004 assistant director for marketing and accounting - JIP "Novi Put," Jagodina. This company includes TV Jagodina, radio Jagodina and the weekly newspaper "Novi Put."
2000/2001 I worked at RT RS in Banja Luka, first as a newsroom producer and from the beginning of 2001 as a producer and deputy editor of the morning program of Republika Srpska Television.
I was the producer of several interviews: with Volgang Petrič, high representative of the international community for Bosnia and Herzegovina; Robert Berry, OSCE ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina; Peter Nikola, Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I collaborated with the UNHCR office in Banja Luka on media monitoring of the return of displaced persons...
2021. Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
2000. Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Belgrade, basic studies
Other education:
2003 Media Management Training, organized by NUNS and the International Media Training Center, course held by Mr. Gregory Pitts, Ph.D. - Bradley University, Illinois; White City
2003 Summer School of Journalism - Investigative Journalism, organized by ANEM and IREX, Kotor, Republic of Montenegro
2002. Training for creating business plans in the media, organized by MDLF, a non-governmental organization to help the press; Prague, Czech Republic 2002.
2001. PR training for spokespersons in the ministries of the Government of the Republic of Srpska, organized by the OSCE office in Banja Luka, was conducted by Tanja L. Homes; Banja Luka in 2001.
Marital Status:
Married to Ivana, father of Natalija
Message to the Serbian Community
Dear fellow compatriots and visitors,
Thank you for visiting the website of the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Toronto.
If you are living in Ontario, Manitoba or Saskatchewan, you can contact your Consulate General in Toronto for all inquiries you may have about Serbia and consular services (including visas).
The Consulate General’s website offers a wide range of information on its consular, social, political, economic, commercial and cultural activities.
Information about Serbian Clubs and Associations in the territories of the Consulate General's jurisdiction in Canada is also available.
We welcome your comments and feedback about our consular services. Your suggestions and ideas on how to improve our services for our fellow compatriots are very valuable to us. So, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or by telephone, which can be found on the home page of the Consulate General's web site or writing down your opinion in the "Book of Impressions" in the premises of the Consulate General.
Please visit also this portal http://culture.serbia.travel, as well, for an enjoyable journey throughout beautiful and diverse Serbia.
I hope that exploring the Consulate General’s website will be a practical and enjoyable experience.