June 3rd, 2021

As Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in Toronto, It is my privilege and honor to officially announce that today, on June 3rd, 2021, the Lieutenant Governor of Province of Ontario, Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell, signed and therefor issued the Royal Assent to the Bill on declaring July 10th, as Nikola Tesla Day in the province of Ontario. With this act, the Law on Nikola Tesla Day in Otnario entered into force effective from today, June 3rd, 2021.
The most credit for this extremely important event goes to member of the Provincial Parliament of Ontario and the New Democratic Party - NDP, Mr. Tom Rakocevic, to whom, on this occasion, on behalf of the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Toronto, I congratulate and express sincere gratitude.
I use this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Provincial Parliament of Ontario as well for the quick implementation of procedure of declaring the Law of Nikola Tesla Day in Ontario.